The President’s Child

By Fay Weldon

A chilling tale that interweaves the post-Watergate world of American politics and the way in which our past indiscretions inevitably catch up with us.

Isabel Acre’s journey through life has taken her from the Australian outback via the beds and alleys of Fleet Street and the seamier side of Washington high life to a comfortable home in London, a reputation as a serious journalist, and a husband in the new chore-sharing, child-rearing mould. Suddenly, however, the past which Isabel had thought safely behind her becomes the source of actual physical danger. With frightening ease, the worlds of political intrigue and murderous conspiracy intrude into the cosiness of her domestic life. Whom can she trust? Man? When she reveals to her husband that she long ago had an affair with a young American senator, a man who is now challenging for the Presidential nomination itself, and that her son is the love-child of that affair, even she cannot foresee the consequences. Love got her into the predicament in which she finds herself; but can love now get her out of it?

Author: Fay Weldon
Format: ebook
Release Date: 29 Mar 2012
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-745432-7
Fay Weldon was born and raised in New Zealand. Her novels and short stories best-sell around the world and wherever they go are awarded great critical acclaim. Her film and TV work wins enthusiastic viewers by the million, worldwide.

”'Very funny about hopelessly uncommunicating 'communicators'…Fay Weldon does this world-gone-mad-with-conspiracy very well.” - Sunday Telegraph

”'Delicious, far-fetched and enormously enjoyable.” - Daily Mail

”'Weldon is a brilliant needle-sharp writer who pins down human emotions with absolute accuracy.” - Company