The Activist Leader: A New Mindset for Doing Business

By Lucy Parker and Jon Miller

If you want to be a successful leader in today’s business world, you need to think like an activist.

If you want to be a successful leader in today’s business world, you need to think like an activist.

This urgent and essential book shows how to do just that. The Activist Leader argues that the world needs a new kind of business leader, one that thinks differently about their role in today’s challenges. From climate change to inequality, the major crises facing society have become critical issues for business, and the world expects companies to step up.

This is a pragmatic book. Jon Miller and Lucy Parker show what it takes to do business in these challenging times, taking a close look at companies such as Apple, Mastercard, Nestle, Maersk, JP Morgan Chase and Walmart.

Most people feel powerless when they look at the problems facing the world – but if you’re a leader in a big business, you’re not powerless. Whether you’re a top executive or earlier in your working life, this book shows that thinking like an activist can have a transformative impact – for yourself, for your businesses, and for broader society.

Format: ebook
Release Date: 19 Jan 2023
Pages: None
ISBN: 978-0-00-856753-8
Lucy Parker and Jon Miller work together helping companies get to grips with their role in society. For over a decade, they’ve been at the forefront of pushing this up the corporate agenda. They advise senior leaders on many of their toughest challenges – from the climate crisis to the ‘culture wars’.Lucy Parker is a former BBC documentary maker. She moved into business as a coach to executives on strategic communications. Today she is well-known as a top corporate advisor. In government, she led the UK Prime Minister’s Taskforce on Talent and Enterprise.Jon Miller left an award-winning career in advertising to help businesses play a more positive role in the world. He is the founder of Open For Business, a coalition of 40 global companies campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights in countries hostile to LGBTQ+ people.

Praise for Everybody’s Business: -

”'A fantastic read: Everybody's Business goes against the conventional unwisdom on big business. Very beguiling” - Stephen Fry

”'A very good account of what big businesses are doing to ensure they have a greater chance of lasting success. The book successfully argues that if big businesses are run in the right way they can be incredibly positive forces for society and for the benefit of all stakeholders. It's a heavy subject, but written in an engaging way” - Bloomberg, Best Books of 2013

”'Penetrating” - Huffington Post