Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy is Professor of History and Director of International Security Studies, and is also co-director, with Bruce Russett, of the Secretariat to the Independent Working Group on the future of the United Nations, an international commission which is producing a report for the Secretary General entitled The United Nations in its Second Half Century. He also co-ordinates the Olin Foundation Fellowship Program in Military and Strategic History, the Bradley Foundation annual lecture series and conferences on military and diplomatic history, the Bradley Foundation Scholarships in Diplomatic and International History and the Smith Richardson Foundation Programme on the Historical Roots of Contemporary International and Regional Issues. With Professor Bruce Russett he co-chairs the MacArthur Foundation program on Peace and International Co-operation. In addition to teaching an undergraduate course (Global Security Issues, Old and New) and with Bruce Russett, a graduate course (International Security Studies: Historical and Political Science Approaches) on the history of international security, he has begun research on a new book on the history of the United Nations.

He continues to deliver numerous guest lectures and addresses worldwide, including a presentation to the Bruno Kreisky Forum in Vienna, and has received several honorary degrees in the past year. He is on the advisory boards of numerous journals and institutions.